Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome!!! <3

Salam alaykum wa rahmatu llahi wa barakatuh!!!

Welcome to my islamic fashion blog! I want to share and show nice modesty fashion for muslim sisters! I am Sea (my friends know why exactly this name). I revert to Islam in May 2008 alhamdulillah. I am married with a moroccan.

At the moment I am wearing hijab but inshallah I will wear niqab one day.

I hope you all will enjoy my blog!!!

wa salam


  1. Congratulation SEA on you new venture in blogging world. I hope to read more interesting sharing from you. Thanks for visiting KakChik's Wardrobe.

  2. I hope as well you'll have patiente to endure the tough of blogging (when people are no sharing, commenting...)but even if you believe you're alone in this adventure...keep on the good work!
